We offer a range of services that cater for families and relationships

Principal Investigations offer a range of services that cater for families and relationships. These can range from typical home and family security measures to nanny watch and background check services, or if an individual suspects infidelity within their relationship our private investigators can conduct surveillance on the unfaithful partner often known as matrimonial surveillance. Other services we offer include collecting co-habituation evidence, carrying out a pre-nuptial investigation and supporting individuals when participating in internet dating.

Matrimonial Surveillance: Where there is a situation with an unfaithful partner, the client can experience a lot of stress. Particularly during lengthy relationships where there are kids, property and shared responsibilities. Matrimonial surveillance can help, where an investigation is carried out to determine whether, in fact, your partner is being unfaithful. Surveillance must be carried out within the boundaries of the law and our private investigators have years of experience conducting these types of investigations legally and safely.

Co-Habituation Evidence: Our private detectives can help individuals gather and present cohabitation evidence. Co-habituation is when two people live together at the same address. Examples of when a private investigator would be used to gather co-habituation evidence include when someone must prove they have been living with their partner in a visa application. Other scenarios include when a relationship breaks up and the home is in one partner's name and the other partner wants to claim for damages or money spent on the property.

Nanny Watch: Trusting a nanny with the responsibility of caring for your children is a common practice. Nannies are typically trained in the care of children and have experience working in their client's homes. However, there have been many reported instances where a nanny has stolen from their clients, have been acting inappropriately in their client's homes and caused harm or participated in the abuse of their client's children. Principal Investigations can help with any nanny investigations.

Internet Dating: Caution should be exercised when meeting people off Internet dating websites. Most people are comfortable with Internet dating; however, precautionary steps should be taken to ensure your safety. Our private investigating services include background checks that can offer valuable information on a person's criminal history and social media activity which can be invaluable when meeting someone from an Internet dating website.

Pre-nuptial Investigation: Entering a marriage is a great milestone in someone's life and one that should be celebrated. However, it is an important commitment and one with legal obligations. That is why a pre-nuptial investigation, also known as a pre-marriage investigation, can provide clients with peace of mind that the person they are marrying is genuine and has been truthful up until this point in their relationships. A pre-nuptial investigation can include background checks, social media checks, review of criminal records and a work history investigation. If information is discovered that is concerning to a client, it could have serious repercussions if they were to enter a marriage with this person. Therefore, a pre-marriage investigation could be the best way to ensure your married life is a happy one for your wellbeing and security.

Speak to our expert private investigators 03301 335218